Is fish oil supplement a waste of time?

It’s me again. I know that a few of you have asked me in the past week if I have stopped writing emails because they haven’t received one from me for a few weeks now. The answer is no. I think the reason some of you are not getting my emails is that sometimes they ended up in the “junk … Read More

Is My Fish Oil Supposed to Smell FISHY??

I had an interesting conversation with a regular patient of mine yesterday which I think all of you would be interested in.   While my regular patient was waiting for her prescription, she asked me whether I have watched the most recent episode of “The Check-Up” from TV One.   Unfortunately, I haven’t been watching much TV in a long … Read More

The FRUIT that could help you sleep?!

It’s been another busy week in the pharmacy but I’ve really enjoyed catching up with some of you and hearing about your mid-winter holidays – Australia, Fiji, Europe and beyond! Even if travel is not on your agenda, I hope all of you are taking some time to relax – even if it’s a cup of coffee outside to appreciate … Read More

My sleep is terrible…what can I do???

Hope you all are enjoying the first week of the school holidays. It has been extremely busy for everyone at the pharmacy. We’ve been flat out for the past few weeks. Hopefully, this week we’ll be able to catch our breath and spend more time attending to and giving you all helpful advice on any of your health concerns.   … Read More

Could this be the reason you’re tired all the time?!

“I’m so tired! …I wake up exhausted even though I slept well!” This is a common phrase that I always hear from my patients.   It’s a common complaint for most of us living busy lives trying to juggle work, family and leisure. There are many reasons for us to be tired and I find my patients are always quick … Read More

Why aren’t you getting this FREE vitamin YOU can make??

Winter definitely seems to have arrived! The days are getting shorter, nights longer and temperatures have dropped over the country – I had to remove ice from my windscreen this morning! I hope you are all managing to keep wrapped up and warm!! Winter solstice is less than a week away on June 22nd and marks the shortest day. It’s … Read More

Can vitamin C work magic on eczema?

Since my last email, I’ve had many positive responses from you all. Actually, quite a few of you popped into the pharmacy and told me how useful you found my weekly dose of wisdom. Some of you also sent me emails of encouragement. In the past few weeks, you all made me feel so loved and gave me a reason … Read More

My privilege to have you in my inner circle

So yesterday, a regular customer of ours dropped by the pharmacy to say that she loves my weekly email. I was over the moon after hearing that! Not for the fact that my emails were opened and read, but most importantly, they had a positive impact on her and her health.   I have to be honest with you, writing … Read More

[True Story] If he LISTENED to my advice, he would have recovered faster!!

This conversation between my friend and I happened last week: Chris (on the phone): You don’t sound good mate. Are you feeling alright? Dom: I think I’m coming down with something. My throat feels scratchy, and a bit sore and my nose is a little bit drippy. Chris: Are you taking anything for it? Dom: Nah, I think I’ll be … Read More